Santa Clarita Personal Injury Attorney Robert J. Kaiser Discusses What to Do in an Impending Rear-End Accident


You look in your rearview mirror as you are stopped at an intersection, and you see a car coming up fast behind your. If you do not do something now, you know you will be hit. What do you do?

First, let me just point out that most hazards that you will be confronted with on the roadway will be the result of a driver making a behind the wheel mistake. Because your intent as a safe driver is to avoid and prevent accidents, you will need to know what actions to take in situations involving driver error. The key is control. However, when faced with an impending rear-end car accident, your ability to control the situation is obviously limited. That being said, here are some things that you may be able to do:

  • Tap your brakes to signal the other driver.
  • Pull forward if the way is clear. That will give the other driver more space in which to stop, or if you are hit, the impact will be lessened than if you had been standing still.
  • If it is not safe to move ahead, brace yourself for the impact. Press your head firmly against the head rest and push away from the steering wheel with your arms.
  • The instant before you are hit, release your brake pedal so your vehicle will move on impact. Then hit the brakes immediately after impact to regain control.
  • Promptly leave the vehicle and stand safely clear of it. If you are involved in a significant rear-end accident, it is possible that the gas tank may have ruptured in the collision and there is a potential danger of explosion.

Remember the importance of always leaving adequate space between you and the car ahead of you at an intersection. If you cannot see the rear tires of the vehicle ahead, you are too close.

Although we all want to avoid and prevent accidents, it is a reality that accidents do happen. If you or a loved one has been injured in a rear-end auto accident, call Santa Clarita Personal Injury lawyer Robert J. Kaiser.

At the Law Office of Robert J. Kaiser, we strive to provide the highest quality legal services to the community. If that means providing a free consultation to an accident victim so that they have a better understanding of the situation they are in, that is fine with us. Free consultations are provided without obligation. If you or a loved one decides to retain our office to represent you in an accident case, we work on a NO RECOVERY - NO FEE basis. If there is no recovery in the case, there is no fee charged.

